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Showing posts from March, 2016

Being a Christian - Day 2 - Q&A

"Not in the habit of giving up meeting together..." - Hebrews 10:25 First of all, What is being a Christian all about? A Christian is a heir of God. WE are on a mission to spreads three words around the world. "Jesus is alive" and explain all the gifts and blessings we are entitled to in Christ Jesus. Why does a Christian have to go to Church?  A Christian is not a Christian without going to Church. As Paul quotes "Not in the habit of giving up meeting together..." (Hebrews 10:25) Jesus Christ went to church, almost everyday day! Jesus cared about Church. How do we know? "God's house [Church] is a house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves!" (Matthew 21:13) We also get the benefit of hearing God's Word. God's Word is like the most precious pearl in the world. Going to Church is also a way of saying thank you to Jesus for dying on the cross. Titus 2:14 says "He gave Himself for us, by doing this He redeemed us ...

Being a Christian - Day 0 - Introduction

"....having the same mindset as Christ..." - Philippians 2:5 This week we will be talking about BEING A CHRISTIAN. A Christian is a heir of God. Psalms 82:6 says "You are heirs of God and children of The Most High" We have the same mindset as Christ! What fascinating things can we do with God in us? Remember when God created the world? He commanded the light to form out of darkness, he commanded that animals of the sea and land should come onto the earth. Genesis 1:27 says "And He made them in the likeness of His own image" This means we function like Him, move like Him and talk like Him. When the demons see us they flee! James 4:7 says "Resist the Devil and he will flee from you" Why does the Devil flee? Because he has God in us! Spiritually we are gods! Not the type that need to be worshipped! We are of the Spirit of God!"Ye are gods..." (Psalms 82:6 KJV) What do demons know? Do they know that there is one God? Why do they flee?...

Humility - Day 6 - Video

"God is against the proud, but gives grace to the humble" - Proverbs 3:34 Make sure you are humble! "...having the same mind as Christ..." - Philippians 2:5

Humility - Day 5 - Prayer & Confession

I just wanted to sneak in a verse here. "Not by your power so that no-one should be proud" (Ephesians 2:9) Today's prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, help me understand your plans for me. Help me understand that a proud person is not a good one. Help me obey you and realise that you are the Humbler of Humility. Make me humble, re-shape me like you did with the potter. In Jesus' Name, Amen. Today's Confession: I am a heir of Jesus Christ, I am blessed with the gift of Humility. I can control my pride. I have received the ability of faith to call forth these things I have called up in my life. I manifest joy, prosperity and humility. In the name of Jesus, Amen

Humility - Day 4 - My Story

  There were some people who thought that they were very good and looked down on everyone else. Jesus used this story to teach them:  10  “One day there was a Pharisee and a tax collector. Both went to the Temple to pray.   11  The Pharisee stood alone, away from the tax collector. When the Pharisee prayed, he said, ‘God, I thank you that I am not as bad as other people. I am not like men who steal, cheat, or take part in adultery. I thank you that I am better than this tax collector.   12  I give up eating [ a ]  twice a week, and I give one-tenth of everything I earn!’ 13  “The tax collector stood at a distance. When he prayed, he would not even look up to heaven. He beat on his chest because he was so sad. He said, ‘God, have mercy on me. I am a sinner!’   14  I tell you, when this man went home, he was right with God. But the Pharisee was not right with God. Everyone who makes himself great will be made humble. But everyone w...

Humility - Day 3 - Proof Text

Proof Text, here we go... Proverbs 3:34 God is against the proud but gives grace to the humble Philippians 2:8 And when he was living as a man, he [Jesus]humbled himself and was obedient to God even at death----on the cross Ephesians 4:2 Be completely humble and gentle, showing each other love Philippians 2:3 Do not be selfish, rather value others above yourself in humility Proverbs 11:2 Pride comes before destruction but humility before wisdom James 4:10 Humble yourselves before God and he will raise you up Proverbs 29:23 Pride brings a person low, but humility brings someone up James 3:13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom Tomorrow.. My Story.

Humility - Day 2 - Q&A

"Do not be selfish about one another. Rather, in humility, regard others above yourselves" - Philippians 2:3 First of all, What is humility? Humility is putting others before yourself, understanding and obeying each other, not being proud and always communicating to one another. Why is humility so important?  When we are humble we are able to communicate to each other and be a good man. "Listen to the advice of a good man...." (Proverbs 19:20) If you want to be on God's side you have to obey his commandments, am I right? Yes. Why shouldn't we be proud?  A good question! God has said through King Solomon and through James the half-brother of Jesus, that God does not like proud people. Where is evidence? "God is against the proud but gives grace to the humble" - James 4:6/Proverbs 3:34 ".. I have a plan for those who are proud..."  Proverbs 15:25 Why is humility such a key thing?  God wants us to be like Jesus. "...hav...

Key Verse Feature...

This week our new key focus is.... HUMILITY  You may ask what this is.  Every week from now on, a key focus will be set to teach about a virtue in Christ. This is called Key Verse Feature and will be set every week. More new biblical features coming soon!

Take a step in humility!

"God is against the proud but gives grace to the humble" - James 4:6/ Proverbs 3:34 We must never, ever put Pride in front of our lives. Pride means making sure everyone gets under your power through fighting and having wars. It also leads to anger, wars .... "Whoever makes himself proud shall end up being humble by force, but whoever shows humility will be made great" (Matthew 23:12) Always end up being in the Humility Zone, pride will only get you into more trouble. Pride is a thing of the past once your a Christian. Chuck it away! "...for the former things have passed away. Look! I make everything new!" (Revelation 21:4) Pride is one of the things of the past. "Submit and show humility to one another. 'God is against the proud but gives grace to the humble'" Be humble. Humility is the key to a friendship. "For wherever you gather together in my name, two or more, I shall be there with you." (Matthew 18:19-20) To agree, ...


"Nothing that is used against me shall prosper" - Isaiah 54:17 The Devil is always planning stuff. Stuff that he can use against us. Not physical weapons though, unseen weapons that link to all the bad things in this world. "Our weapons that we use are not seen but are mighty through God" (1 Corinthians 10:4) We use the Godly weapons. Weapons that will support fighting a fight for faith. "Be on your guard. Stand firm in the faith" (1 Corinthians 16:13) We fight against the unseen things. We trace back the fruit to the root. We are super heroes of Jesus Christ. " I am absolutely sure that nothing can separate us from Christ's love" (Romans 8:39) "We do not fight against the people on this Earth, but against the rulers and authorities of this world's darkness" (Ephesians 6:12) So stand up! An nothing can be against you! "If God is for us who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31) No-one or nothing! So... FIGHT FOR THE F...

Don't fool yourself!

"Everyone has turned away frim God; we have all gone wrong; no-one does what is right, not even one" -  Romans 3:12 Yawn! Sorry about this late post. You may feel like you are the only baddest,baddiest,villian-est person in the world. You coudn't be more wrong! The Apostle Paul writes that everyone has gone wrong somewhere! Nobody is perfect! This is NO excuse to keep on sinning! We must try to have faith in God and try out best to listen to God's rules. "Don't only hear God's Word, but act upon it aswell so you do not fool yourselves" (James 1:22) What is acting on God's Word? It is doing what it says, having talks with God (prayer) and reading our Bible regularly. Take a risk! Don't fool yourself! Study References: Romans 3:12 James 1:22

....pride comes before destruction...

"...pride comes before destruction..." - Proverbs 11:2 Do you have times where: A. People don't listen to you B. You feel like the boss? Well your're in a tight spot! You have two options: You can either feel proud, or you can just remain calm and show humility God loves it when we show humility. If we are proud, we want to keep everyone under control. This leads to many more unneeded wars, corruption and political problems... How can I stay under control? Read your Bible, pray every day! "God has a plan for people who a proud, and people who show humility" - Isaiah 2:12 God's plan for the proud is not a good one! Which choice are you going to make? Study References:  Proverbs 11:2 Isaiah 2:12

From little things to big things...

"And the worshippers of God shall worship Him in prayer and in truth" - John 4:24 To show we are Christian we must Worship God. Not only in church, but in prayer and in truth. We must find a quiet place to talk to God because God likes it when He and you can discuss! Why can't I show-off how good I can pray? Jesus says " When you want to pray, go to a quiet place, shut the door aswell. Your Heavenly Father (God) will reward you for this" (Matthew 6:6) God loves it when we praise Him! Worship does not only mean shouting, singing and waking all your neighbours up! It also means to pray and talk to God, read our Bible, and think of everything that God has done for us. From little things, to big things. "In my trouble I cried out to God! And he answered by setting me free!" (Psalms 118:5) Study References : John 4:24 Matthew 6:6 Psalms 118:5

A New-You...

Today, we have two verses! I just had to fit them in! "The Lord says: 'What I think, is not what you think, neither what you do is what I do. Like the sky is higher than the Earth, so are My doings higher than yours, and my thoughts higher than yours'" - Isaiah 55:8-9 "How is it that you have been afraid, and lied and not remembered me? That you do not follow me? I will declare your filthiness and your works and they shall not profit you" - Isaiah 57:11-12 God knows everything we do. Even if we tell the whitest, nearly truest, most quite true lie, He still knows we have lied and have had a great big tick on Sin's list for lying. Cause once you start you can't stop! You may think, what if I am sorry? Pray again! Live back to your old self! Not your old self! I mean, the new-you! The Christian! Once we accept Jesus, every stain of Sin is erased out of our lives! "...for the former have gone away, alas! I have made everything new!" (Rev...