Jesus, the one in us is greater than anyone and has the keys of Hell and Death. Matthew 10:28, Jesus says, " Do not fear those who kill the body and not the soul but fear Him that can kill the body and the soul in Hell" Yikes! Hell is not a good place. It is filled to the brim with unquenched fire that goes on forever. Burning, gnashing of teeth, those who wish they were Christians are all there. Jesus Christ has overcome the world as he says in John 6:33 "Do not fear little children, for I have overcome the world.." Now, Jesus Christ dwells in us. Philippians 2:5 says "Having the same mindset as Jesus Christ" which means we are the same as Jesus! Jesus said "Greater works than I have done will they do" (John 14:12) Whatever we do, wherever we are we are surrounded by God.