"His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’" - Matthew 25:21
Sometime God puts us in charge of little things to test us. We should take advantage of the opportunity and serve God best in this time. God tests almost all the time! You might not see it everyday but God is almost always testing us. When you lose your smartphone for example, God might be testing you to see how much you REALLY love Him. Anyone can say that they love God but they need to SHOW it. When we are faithful to God's laws in times of testing God can put us in charge of many things. We make Jesus happy when we do what He says in His Word, with the Holy Spirit guiding us like I said on Friday. His Word is the path to our lives.
"The entrance of Your words gives light;
It gives understanding to the simple." - Psalm 119:130
Those who are 'simple' are those who please God and make Him happy by obey His laws and His Word in the way that HE would like them too. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian. It makes you a church-goer. Taking part in the things of God doesn't make you a Christian (although you should if you are a christian). It just makes you a Partaker in the things of God. The true thing that makes you a Christian is JESUS CHRIST. Following Him and making sure you listen to Him is what makes you a Christian. He can come into you through His Advocate, the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost will fill you with love and obedience as well as power so that you can obey, follow and listen to Jesus.
Sometime God puts us in charge of little things to test us. We should take advantage of the opportunity and serve God best in this time. God tests almost all the time! You might not see it everyday but God is almost always testing us. When you lose your smartphone for example, God might be testing you to see how much you REALLY love Him. Anyone can say that they love God but they need to SHOW it. When we are faithful to God's laws in times of testing God can put us in charge of many things. We make Jesus happy when we do what He says in His Word, with the Holy Spirit guiding us like I said on Friday. His Word is the path to our lives.
"The entrance of Your words gives light;
It gives understanding to the simple." - Psalm 119:130
Those who are 'simple' are those who please God and make Him happy by obey His laws and His Word in the way that HE would like them too. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian. It makes you a church-goer. Taking part in the things of God doesn't make you a Christian (although you should if you are a christian). It just makes you a Partaker in the things of God. The true thing that makes you a Christian is JESUS CHRIST. Following Him and making sure you listen to Him is what makes you a Christian. He can come into you through His Advocate, the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost will fill you with love and obedience as well as power so that you can obey, follow and listen to Jesus.