‘"This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.’ Joshua 1:8 NASB We do not fight against the people of this world – our battle is not physical. We don’t accuse others for the evil they do – it is a spirit. Satan uses various materials to trap us Christians – dreams, people, name it. Satan works through dreams more than God does. God speaks too our hearts. Life is spiritual – and one way to connect to it is through dreams. Satan likes us building hatred, bitterness and anger in our hearts. Sometimes you may see a relative or someone you know doing something horrible to you in a dream. It’s not them – it’s Satan wanting you to go against that person – building up hatred and bitterness. You see? The Christian operates as a spirit. The flesh does not profit anything (John 6:63), me...
Hello, and welcome to Discovering Truth! Here we believe one thing: the spiritual controls the physical. In our daily blog posts, we explain the lifestyle a Christian should follow, how to be like Jesus, Satan's evil schemes, the power and love of God, and much more, aimed for people of all ages! Come back each day for your daily insight!