‘"This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.’ Joshua 1:8 NASB
We do not fight against the people of this world – our battle is not physical. We don’t accuse others for the evil they do – it is a spirit. Satan uses various materials to trap us Christians – dreams, people, name it. Satan works through dreams more than God does. God speaks too our hearts. Life is spiritual – and one way to connect to it is through dreams. Satan likes us building hatred, bitterness and anger in our hearts. Sometimes you may see a relative or someone you know doing something horrible to you in a dream. It’s not them – it’s Satan wanting you to go against that person – building up hatred and bitterness. You see? The Christian operates as a spirit. The flesh does not profit anything (John 6:63), meaning our spirits are much more valuable. The Christian life is a spiritual life. Our bodies are like coats – the real one inside of us is a spirit. Our spirits should always be in connection with God. How? Meditate on the Word. Many people say they believe in God, but don’t find success or prosperity even though they go to church and hear the Word! Let’s see what the Bible says:
‘"This book of the Law
shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night,
so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for
then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.’ Joshua
1:8 NASB
Word is God. This means when we
meditate on the Word, we are connecting with God through that Wi-Fi. Faith is
that Wi-Fi and when we dwell on the Word, faith grows inside us. That is how
the mustard seed grows. It grows when we water the seed with the Word of God.
sees the heart – what you give to someone, claiming it as love has to be at its
best. God sees effort, and when we do things out of love, we should see it as
we’re doing it for the Lord. So, if you are preparing a present for someone,
would you buy an old, ripped and ugly notebook for God? Then, why do it to
someone else. Would you buy a lovely, decorated, customised and almost £1bn
notebook for God? Yes. I am not saying we should spend that much, but what I am
saying is that we should give and love from the bottom of your heart.
We always think that a Christian’s life shouldn’t be full of suffering. But we’ve
got to admit, Jesus never said that the life of a Christian was easy – He said
in Luke 9:23:
“And He[Jesus] said to them all, If anyone wants to follow Me, they must deny
themselves, and take up their cross
daily, to follow me.”
we deny ourselves, we don’t care about what WE want, but we care about Jesus! In
other words, we suffer for Christ. But, God doesn’t just let us suffer and
suffer and suffer! Peter said,
“After you have suffered a little while, God will restore, support, and strengthen
you, and will place you on a firm foundation” – 1 Peter 5:10
our sufferings aren’t for nothing!