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Law in My Heart

"I delight to do Your Will, my God. For your Law is written in my heart" - Psalm 40:8

Some of us just ask and ask and ask know the rest. But we hardly ever think about what GOD wants, when we ask, don't we. Yesterday I talked about selfish interests but sometimes when we ask, it may not be about ourselves but about our obstacles or about other people. We pray "Lord, remove this obstacle" or "Lord, kill or harm this person for disgracing me", but, I tell you the truth, we're not supposed to pray this. James said,
"Everyone is tempted..." - James 1:16

So, when we do have obstacles, we shouldn't pray for these to be removed! We already have power to remove them! We command them! We should sustain them by living right, keeping steadfast faith, and having peace that everything is well. That's what faith is. It's where we dwell on a fact until it happens. Hebrews 11:1 says,
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and  [being] certain of what we do not see"

God's law should be our whole desire, obeying it, I mean. If we don't, our faith, works and words mean nothing. God's Law should be written in our hearts, forever. And they should become apart of you too. Paul writes in Romans 7:25 that he delights in the Law of God, which some people cannot do. The Law of god may seem like a burden, but in actuality it protects us from evil.
"But you, o man of God, flee from all evil and pursue righteousness, Godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness." - 1 Timothy 6:11

We should FLEE FROM ALL EVIL. Which means as soon as we become Christians, we automatically hate the things of the world - but that does not mean we hate the people too! The people also belong to God too - even though they do not follow him. If we do hate them, we are following Satan's plan to destroy mankind. God's Word is a sword, not physical. Let's hear its description:
"For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing souls and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

The Word of God is much more powerful than what we think. I'll talk more on it tomorrow.

Confession: Lord, I command every obstacle to find its way. Any trap the devil has set for me, I trap it for him! I use my power, that Jesus has given me and break every obstacle, in Jesus name, Amen!


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