As Christians, we should be completely committed to Jesus. But some of us are living double lives, trying to stick our legs out and be in two different grounds. “Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:14 Many of us just refuse to obey Jesus by being fully committed. Jesus wants our life to be for Him. As selfish as that may sound, it is the only way we can remain protected from satan and gain eternal life. The main reason we cannot not properly turn away from our bad ways is because of worldly possessions, that lure us away from Christ. For many, it’s just because ‘it’s too hard’, but I promise you, once you have an intimate relationship with the Father, it becomes so much easier. We try to play the double minded game, but then we find ourselves slowly getting away from the Truth. The flesh and Jesus are enemies, and cannot co-exist. Jesus eve...