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NEW CHANGES! Re-branding our company & some updates

Hey there brothers and sisters! 

We thank God for all He's been doing in our lives, and in your lives too! In this blog post, we'll be talking about some new updates to our ministry, and how we've changed. We'll also be looking at some YouTube channels we recommend to help you grow in the faith. 


We've redesigned our logo and are working on a new website which will include new features, such as some awesome videos and new devotional series'. Our content and devout commitment to the Bible will remain the same and unchanged. We have also changed our name to Scriptural Truths as this is what we thought would represent our company better, as this what we aim to do. Find and out and publish scriptural truths. 


We have had SO many emails and messages about what content we would recommend to help you grow in faith. So, here are some websites and YouTube channels we recommend. They are in no order of least to greatest in the recommended category. These channels have not in any way sponsored us to recommend them. 

1. Pastor Sunny (Christ Kingdom Mission International)
This YouTube channel has helped us a lot at Scriptural Truths. With each teaching comes a new wave of understanding of the scriptures, and the manifestation of God's presence is demonstrated powerfully through their videos. I would advise you to check them out!
2. Benny Hinn (Benny Hinn Ministries)
Benny Hinn is a pastor that we've followed through the years, and when he worships, all hell breaks loose. His teachings are accurate to Scripture, and he is always praying for his viewers. Definitely recommended.
Pastor Chris has earned many degrees in Bible theology, but that isn't why we praise him. His knowledge in the scriptures is very sound, and it is obvious the power of God works through him, with miracles happening everywhere at his Healing School. Go watch him now!
4. Apostle John Chi (Johnchi Ministries)
After founding a new Church in Cameroon under his mentor, T.B Joshua (we'll talk about him in a minute), the spirit of God has worked through John Chi mightily, breaking demonic strongholds and healing all those oppressed of the devil. It will make your day!
5. Prophet T.B Joshua (Emmanuel TV)
T.B. Joshua had a difficult childhood, almost being killed by a bombard of rocks through his roof! God definitely had huge plans for him, as he now mentors many heads of Nigerian states! Check him out!

Thank you for your support, and we'll be posting as usual from tomorrow! =)


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