“So then, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own.”
Matthew 6:34 NET
This verse especially impacted me today. When we worry, reading Scripture and praying can really help. John 14 or 2 Timothy 1:7 would be good places to start from. Jesus talked about the trouble and tribulation in this world. Different situations will come to you everyday - the way you respond to the situation is what makes your day. The trouble for today is already enough - don't go adding more by worrying!
Matthew 6:34 NET
This verse especially impacted me today. When we worry, reading Scripture and praying can really help. John 14 or 2 Timothy 1:7 would be good places to start from. Jesus talked about the trouble and tribulation in this world. Different situations will come to you everyday - the way you respond to the situation is what makes your day. The trouble for today is already enough - don't go adding more by worrying!