We’re transitioning! Hi there everyone, my name is Marcus Andrews and I’m the CEO of Bibliqur. Over the last year and a half, our ministry has grown touch hundreds of people all around the world, and to support that rapid movement, we need to update our delivery tools. Therefore, it is my pleasure to announce that Bibliqur is moving to medium! All daily VOTDs will now be posted on there and will no longer be continued on Blogger. Enjoy! 😊 https://medium.com/@bibliqur?source=linkShare-7432e91a6c34-1532638469
Hello, and welcome to Discovering Truth! Here we believe one thing: the spiritual controls the physical. In our daily blog posts, we explain the lifestyle a Christian should follow, how to be like Jesus, Satan's evil schemes, the power and love of God, and much more, aimed for people of all ages! Come back each day for your daily insight!