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The Power In The Name

"There is none like God...who rides through Heaven to your help, through the skies in His majesty" - Deuteronomy 33:26 

Many of us expect an answer when we pray - immediately. We try to control God  thinking we know best, when God does. But if the Holy Spirit lives in us, patience live in us too, because it is of the Spirit (Gal 5:22). We have everything we ever need or ever will need - the only thing you have to do is activate it. The power in the name of Jesus, as soon as you activate it, is ready and available to use. Anyone can say Jesus, but they can't use its power because it's either: 
A) not given to them or 
B) they don't believe. 

What can I do to activate the power? 

To activate this power, you need faith and full relying on God. No matter what, even in temptation. You see, a Christian's life is one with more temptation. But that's good - because: 
A) We overcome them all! 
B) It's when we show and display Jesus' power and bring lost souls to Christ. 
Jesus never said this life was easy, He did say we shouldn't fear because He has overcome the world. Our lives are valuable - and what you say matters because we have the power to prophesy. Whatever you do or say should portrait what Jesus did or was like. Saying stuff like, 'That man's killing me' will give Satan permission to make your words come to pass - but he can only do it to the bad ones and not the good. Another example is: 'My life is just full of ****' again, you've given Satan permission to grant your words. But if you say: 
'Satan, you're out of my life, God's in control, and He's in me' once you start saying stuff like that, you are guarding your heart. What you say - matters as your attitude is meant to be of Christ. So if you're swearing or using bad language - your telling people 'Hey, Jesus swore and used bad language!' Which is not true. Want some scripture?: 
"You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had." - Phillipians 2:5 NLT 
Did you hear that? You MUST. MUST. So start acting like Jesus! 

The power of Jesus is in them that have been baptised with the Holy Ghost and fire - not only the baptism with water. You have to be hungry for it - for the Holy Ghost and very soon He'll come upon you. 

Scripture References:
Gal 5:22
Deut 33:26 
Phil 2:5 
John 16:33 

Confession: Satan, I command you out of my life in the name of Jesus. God's Word remains the foundation of my life so you cannot harm me. I am rooted in the Rock of Christ.  My faith stands strong and will always grow - no matter what you do. IJN, Amen 
Prayer: Dear Lord, I repent of every harsh or bad word I have used before reading this. I call on you for forgiveness and promise to never do it again. IJN I pray, Amen 


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