“Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.” 1 John 5:21 KJV http://bible.us/1/1jn.5.21.kjv This verse may seem short and simple, but this is a problem many people battle - every second of there lives. Keeping ourselves from idols is impossible. For man's ability that is! But before we explore how we can keep ourselves from idols, we need to learn WHAT and idol is. An idol is not only a bronze, gold or brass statue of an animal or person, it can also be something you love. Something you love TOO much, more than God. But it's not God who will face the consequences! You will now become a target for Satan. He will use any weak point to bring you down. And, in this case, it will be this idol. Now, the power to keep yourselves from idols is to obey God and keep yourself worshipping in Spirit and in Truth!
Hello, and welcome to Discovering Truth! Here we believe one thing: the spiritual controls the physical. In our daily blog posts, we explain the lifestyle a Christian should follow, how to be like Jesus, Satan's evil schemes, the power and love of God, and much more, aimed for people of all ages! Come back each day for your daily insight!