“He will swallow up death forever; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces, and the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth, for the Lord has spoken.”
Isaiah 25:8 ESV
This verse talks about the coming of Jesus, the day that Christians wait for; a day of joy. All our tears will be wiped away! The Lord has already swallowed up death: through his death and resurrection. He defeated death: the main power Satan relies on to complete his mission to wipe out mankind. His only missions are to kill, steal and to destroy. None of these are good. Protection from Satan comes from God only, and we must fortify ourselves with His Word to remain strong in the Lord!
Isaiah 25:8 ESV
This verse talks about the coming of Jesus, the day that Christians wait for; a day of joy. All our tears will be wiped away! The Lord has already swallowed up death: through his death and resurrection. He defeated death: the main power Satan relies on to complete his mission to wipe out mankind. His only missions are to kill, steal and to destroy. None of these are good. Protection from Satan comes from God only, and we must fortify ourselves with His Word to remain strong in the Lord!