We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise. - 2 Corinthians 10:12
Note: I have started a STOP series (Day 1 yesterday) that will help you stop or learn more about many sinful habits that even Christians have. It will also serve as a reminder of God's Word to people. Day 3 is tomorrow!
People who are always comparing themselves to others are not wise. Why? Because, if you are comparing yourself to a non-Christian, you have something better! You have something better! The life of God! God himself has come to live in you, he works in you and has saved you! Jesus is working inside of you and has given you His Name which is greater and more powerful than any other! Comparing ourself to worldly things is worthless! You may be comparing yourself because you are suffering. Here's an uplifting scripture to meditate on:
“We have sufferings now. But the sufferings we have now are nothing compared to the great glory that will be given to us.”
Romans 8:18
I hope that helped. Make sure you don't give in to the great temptation of comparing yourself to others of the world and maybe even Christians! Use your talents for God's glory and always remember: God knows why, just follow his plan. Don't ASK why. ASK the next thing for you to do and STOP COMPARING!
Note: I have started a STOP series (Day 1 yesterday) that will help you stop or learn more about many sinful habits that even Christians have. It will also serve as a reminder of God's Word to people. Day 3 is tomorrow!
People who are always comparing themselves to others are not wise. Why? Because, if you are comparing yourself to a non-Christian, you have something better! You have something better! The life of God! God himself has come to live in you, he works in you and has saved you! Jesus is working inside of you and has given you His Name which is greater and more powerful than any other! Comparing ourself to worldly things is worthless! You may be comparing yourself because you are suffering. Here's an uplifting scripture to meditate on:
“We have sufferings now. But the sufferings we have now are nothing compared to the great glory that will be given to us.”
Romans 8:18
I hope that helped. Make sure you don't give in to the great temptation of comparing yourself to others of the world and maybe even Christians! Use your talents for God's glory and always remember: God knows why, just follow his plan. Don't ASK why. ASK the next thing for you to do and STOP COMPARING!