“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.” Psalms 51:17 KJV http://bible.com/1/psa.51.17.kjv Some of us, when we talk to God, God blocks us. Am I talking to some people? But, aren't you asking yourself this question, why? 'Yes, I am. I read the Bible, got to church twice a week, give weekly donations to charity, do 6 hours community work and God doesn't answer my prayers!' I can already see your problem. Pride. We always think that we are the ones who know best and that, the King 👑 of kings and LORD of Lords, is just 'another guy to be ignored'. This type of behaviour makes many of us very vulnerable to Satan, as this is the weak spot. This is why we must be wise - and make sure we work on our weak spots. Pride is what brings many down. Very down. You see, many people get attracted to Satan ONLY because they want to be successful, and have prosperity. But instead of finding this...
Hello, and welcome to Discovering Truth! Here we believe one thing: the spiritual controls the physical. In our daily blog posts, we explain the lifestyle a Christian should follow, how to be like Jesus, Satan's evil schemes, the power and love of God, and much more, aimed for people of all ages! Come back each day for your daily insight!