“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24 KJV http://bible.com/1/jhn.4.24.kjv The reason why so many Christians struggle as a Christian is because they are not spiritual. How can you serve God if you are not spiritual? Being spiritual means to not judge by your five senses, like many of us do. We are to see things differently, and know that our enemy is not a fellow human, but satan. And satan is not a human, he is a spirit. And if we are not spiritual, we cannot fight him. This is why satan likes our foolishness, because that means we cannot fight him. The problem you are having, do not blame it on the people around you. Blame it on satan. He is the one who controls people to do what they do - which is many evil things. If you ask these people why they do what they do, I don't think they would have an answer for you. Because they are being controlled by the devil. Satan is the one who controls them. This is why we m...
Hello, and welcome to Discovering Truth! Here we believe one thing: the spiritual controls the physical. In our daily blog posts, we explain the lifestyle a Christian should follow, how to be like Jesus, Satan's evil schemes, the power and love of God, and much more, aimed for people of all ages! Come back each day for your daily insight!