Title: Spirit of Jesus
Scripture: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind." - 2 Timothy 1:7
What an amazing Truth! That God HAS NOT given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. But...
Question: What is this spirit?
This spirit is the spirit of JESUS! What does this mean? We have the power of Jesus, the love of Jesus, and the sound mind of Jesus! The power of Jesus enable us to pray, perform miracles, and do the Lord's Will, the love of Jesus enables us to love others, and the sound mind enables us to keep calm in tough situations.
With the Spirit of Jesus, we can make our future and fulfil our destiny!
You see, Satan puts many traps in place in our life, especially in the life of the Christian. We can uproot them in the name of Jesus through commanding prayer! Get used to using your power!
Here's a Q&A for today:
Why do people kill each other, steal or be drunk?! Don't they know its stupid?
They can't know. There's something controlling them; a spiritual personality that wants to destroy them. A demon. An evil spirit, aimed at destroying peoples' lives. Satan will never want to help you, even though he pretends too. He will never want to see you succeed. For what? Why? When he's the ones who is going to suffer in the Lake of Fire, when you have the opportunity to meet God and stay in safety, knowing your power in Christ. It's what Satan would call unfair. But HE HAS NO RIGHT! This body was meant for Go, we were NOT MEAN TO SUFFER! How dare HE MAKE PEOPLE SUFFER, TAKE THEM TO HELL! Which is why we must pray and read the Bible, and keep in connection with God.