Title: Distractions are Traps
Scripture: "You will keep him in perfect peace, he whose mind is fixed on You, because he trusts in You." - Isaiah 26:3

Are you easily distracted or distracted in worship or prayer? Instead of coming to church, do you spend time at discos or parties? Do you have another priority than Jesus? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, check your life. This is something I'm saying - not to offend you, but to try and guide in the right way, by the power of the Holy Spirit. You see, distractions are from the pit of Hell, and, he sends them especially when you are in church, listening to the Word or in prayer or worship. A child might start making annoying noises, an accident might happen on the street, hunger, a phone call, a bang might be heard and many other ways to distract you. People believe that once you answer the phone or give in to these distractions you can come back to prayer and worship. But when you come back, you don't continue, you start from the very beginning. Christians should be at HIGH ALERT in the spirit. As his time to be thrown into the Lake of Fire comes closer, Satan is even more cunning, deceptive and on rampage. I mean, knowing that you're going to be sacked soon from your job, won't you start going looking for another job? It's like Satan, trying to grab as many people as possible to burn FOREVER in the Lake of Fire with him. You only get one chance at this, serve Satan or God. Who said serving God was easy? But it's worth it. You can either burn FOREVER or live in peace FOREVER! The most pleasant option would be to live in peace, with God, but many people refuse to go that way and choose to burn. What's your choice?
Scripture: "You will keep him in perfect peace, he whose mind is fixed on You, because he trusts in You." - Isaiah 26:3

Are you easily distracted or distracted in worship or prayer? Instead of coming to church, do you spend time at discos or parties? Do you have another priority than Jesus? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, check your life. This is something I'm saying - not to offend you, but to try and guide in the right way, by the power of the Holy Spirit. You see, distractions are from the pit of Hell, and, he sends them especially when you are in church, listening to the Word or in prayer or worship. A child might start making annoying noises, an accident might happen on the street, hunger, a phone call, a bang might be heard and many other ways to distract you. People believe that once you answer the phone or give in to these distractions you can come back to prayer and worship. But when you come back, you don't continue, you start from the very beginning. Christians should be at HIGH ALERT in the spirit. As his time to be thrown into the Lake of Fire comes closer, Satan is even more cunning, deceptive and on rampage. I mean, knowing that you're going to be sacked soon from your job, won't you start going looking for another job? It's like Satan, trying to grab as many people as possible to burn FOREVER in the Lake of Fire with him. You only get one chance at this, serve Satan or God. Who said serving God was easy? But it's worth it. You can either burn FOREVER or live in peace FOREVER! The most pleasant option would be to live in peace, with God, but many people refuse to go that way and choose to burn. What's your choice?