“Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:”
Revelation 3:17 KJV
What is in this world that people enjoy? If something is set for expiring soon, what's the point of trying to enjoy it? It's like you knowing that in 3 days the bread will turn into a diseased thing, as you've seen traces it's poisonous. And you still eat the bread 🍞? It could be infectious at this time...
It would be common sense to let it expire quickly and just evaporate, then you can get some new bread. Done! It's like how Jesus is going to make a new Heaven and earth, sin-free and perfect. I need to tell you this; it is not the sins of the unbelievers that will take them to Hell, and then the Lake of Fire 🔥. It is the rejection of the antidote for sin that will take them to Hell, and then the Lake of Fire.
This scenario is a bit like a doctor's prescription (though we have a healing Doctor, Jesus Christ, who is alive today!). You would take the drugs in the prescription each day, so that you might get better. But if you refuse, your situation will get worse. The antidote, Jesus Christ. Accept Him and He can do wonders in your life!