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Showing posts from June, 2016

CHOSEN AND HOLY! 1 Peter 2:9

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." - 1 Peter 2:9 We as Christians are chosen to be part of God's family! But we must know who is who. Some pastors and teachers only pretend and don't know what they're talking about! The Holy Spirit will guide you in this. Jesus chose us to be His disciples! Followers of the Truth. Jesus. When we are chosen for a special event, we feel special don't we? It is the same with Jesus! We must use what He has given us to His glory. Otherwise the Devil comes and snatches the little seed we have and takes it away. Even a little seed of the Word is powerful! SEE Matthew 17:20/Matthew 13. Some Christians doubt we are Holy! But the Bible says it all! 1 Peter 1:16- Since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:15- But as he who called you is holy, you als...

Praise The Lord!

"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord" - #Psalm 150:6. Praising God can do allot of unexpected things for us. Praising God's Name is something that many Christians forget. As I have said before, thanking God can give us our God's-will-related desires. Praying God also means thinking ahead and thanking God for already doing your desire. As many pastors would say: This releases the full potential in your life. SEE #James 1:2. There are many verses about praising the Lord, which you could find on the Internet! PRAYER 4 TODAY: Psalm 37

Raise The Standard! John 3:5

"I tell you the truth no-one can enter the Kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit"  - John 3:5  First of all, thank you to all my followers/veiwers and may God bless you!  ___________________________ Jesus Christ meant that if we are not born of God's Spirit and Anointing (Water) we cannot enter God's Kingdom. We can call our selves Christians all we like but, unless we are born of the Spirit, we lie. But how do I be 'born of the Spirit'? By believing in the Word. God's Word is the power to the Christian has to defeat the works of the enemy. We can stop Him twisting and changing what God has created. What do we do when the Devil comes riding on the waves?! Let's ask the Bible:  When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Lord will set a standard agianst him - Isaiah 59:19  Once we have stood our ground we then have authority to call on the Name of the Lord. That is when Isaiah 59:19 comes into action. Once w...

Keep God First!

"Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean. Wash me and I will be whiter than snow" - Psalm 51:7  We all need to be cleansed. Now, if you are a Christian, I would advise you to still keep reading. God never wanted us to end up in Hell. That place of doom. He wanted us to enjoy the world! Worship and fellowship with Him! But, we wouldn't have had the power to defeat Satan. Jesus dying for us is the greatest gift ever! As Jesus said, there are only two ways to live. On Jesus' side, or on the Devil' side. We as Christian are made in the same image as God, spiritually! Which means in Heaven we all look the same! Like God (Jesus)! No wonder Paul said: "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." - Galatians 3:28. This because we are likewise with Jesus! The New Jerusalem. And there are so many blessings we have in Christ. And, like in wars today, there is an enemy. Satan (a...


"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God" - John 1:1 Some religous groups believe that God cannot be three persons. Think of it this way: Water can be a steam or vapour, a liquid or a solid (ice). It is like God. He is three persons, and all of them are God. They don't MAKE UP God, they ARE God. The Word is the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God. God has been here sine the beginning! The Word was what He used to create the world! SEE Genesis 1.  If these religous groups know that God is all-powerful, why do they think God cannot abide in us? The Holy Spirit is with us always. Jesus said "And now I will send the Holy Spirit (to abide in you) as I promised" (Luke 24:49). See! Jesus promised! And it all came to pass! Like Father, Like Son! Jesus was God! Need more proof? John 20:24-29: 'Thomas, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples said to him, "We have seen the Lord". But he said unto...

Let Us Forgive!

"If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly  Father will forgive you" - Matthew 6:14 This verse means that if we don't forgive others for their sins, God won't forgive us. Seems pretty harsh, doesn't it? But unforgiving is a sin itself. So God won't forgive us for that. We just have to let it go. Forgiveness is one of the hardest things to do to a human. We feel like they deserve whatever happens. Holding that sin in your heart will make God turn his back on you. And the Devil will then start to creep in. The more you pile up and dwell on that incident, the more sin you develop in your heart. And very soon, your candle will be hidden by darkness. An you will wonder how you got yourself into this mess. Forgive! Jesus said do to others as you would like them to do to you. He also said: "Love one another as I have loved you" - John 13:35. By forgiving we let go of whatever they have done to us, and when we do the same, they will forgive us...

ACT LIKE JESUS! Colossians 3:15

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful" Colossians 3:15 Peace. The 3rd fruit of the Spirit. Keeping our anger to a low level is important when we show who Christ is. The Bible says not to let the sun go down whilst you are angry. But Jesus was angry? Why not me? This is Holy anger. This is propelled by knowing that these people are wrong. But that doesn't mean we have the right to fight. We have the right to explain and teach them what is right. Jesus did not hurt anyone. Did He? No. He just flipped some tables over! Being thankful can also propel our want to God. But only ask for things that will match His Will. For example don't say: "Lord, I hate this person, can you like, put a disease on them something?" No. In fact Jesus said: Pray for your enemies, do good to those who hate you! So you should say: "Lord, this person called ........was unkind to me. I pray that you pro...

God Will Step In - 2 Corinthians 12:10

"When you've done everything you can do, that's when God will step in and do what you can't" -  2 Corinthians 12:10  God knows that sometimess we need help, building our faith. This verse is very useful and can help when things are going wrong. And for a Christian, things are nearly always going to go wrong! But that is when we put shame to the Devil! We sustain our trust whilst the Devil laughs at us and thinks he has one. But he gets a nasty surprise when God shows up and ruins his plans. That is when the Devil is ashamed and wants to get revenge. but he never gets that his side always loses, if we are still living up to God's standards and don't stray! SEE John 10:10. The Devil will steal your joy, kill your Godly tree, and destroy your home. We have to be like Christ who resisted temptation. SEE Philippians 2:5. Find out plenty more Bible verses on openbible!  Recommended Reads:  2 Corinthians 12:10  John 10:10  Philippians 2:5  John ...

Trust In Christ, let Him be your Guide!

"He that followeth after righteousness and kindness findeth life, righteousness and honour." - Proverbs 21:21.  This verse talks about God's path to righteousness. God's path. The new way. Jesus Christ loves us. He died for us. He never abandons us. No wonder He said 365 times in the Bible "DO NOT FEAR!" The Holy Spirit instructed David to write about this. (SEE Psalm 91)  Life is only available in Jesus. Who is the Path to Righteousness. "...For I have come so they might have life and have it fully" - John 10:10. We have the FULL Holy Spirit. Not that there was ever a part one. If we follow Jesus we will have everything we ever wished for. But we have to sustain that trust in Him.  In the storm. The currents, tornados etcetera.  Will you still trust Jesus? I have said this before and will say it again - Trust that God knows what He is doing. Having just a tiny bit of faith can move those mountains (problems in life) Luke 17:6 "If you have fai...

God's Grace : 1 Cor 12:9

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" 1 Corinthians 12:9 God is basically saying that He strengthens us when we are weak. ONLY if we still stay consistently by His side in the bad times. SEE Joshua 1:9. We can learn from people like Abraham. Abraham was one of the greatest people in the Bible. What did he do? Just have faith. Have faith that God knew what He was talking about. Abraham did this twice. When God asked him to sacrifice Isaac and told him he would have a son. When things seem so glum, don't let the Devil take away your fruits. Don't let the Devil plant a sinful nature in you! "What you sow, that is what you will reap" - Galatians 6:7 Jesus never intended for us to die. If we have faith in Him, He can restore us and fix our broken heart. Everything in this world will go away but God's Word will still remain (1 John 2:17). Recommended Reads: 1 John 2:17 2 Corinthians 12:9 1 John 5:4 Galatians 6:7 Ephes...


"Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim His greatness. Let the whole world know what He has done" - Psalms 105:1 Proclaim. Give thanks. Tell. The Devil's power. He has no power! He just twists what God has created! He uses tricks to lure us in. To take the bait. And if we do fall into these tricks, we give the Devil the power God gave us. We all should stand firm and DEFEAT him. We can do this by facing life's storms with God's Word. There are many ways to defeat the Devil using God's Power. One is giving thanks. We rob the Devil of his stolen power. When we give thanks. Even in the bad times. Even when you see a spiritual storm. You say: "Lord, thank you for taking away this storm" in the worse of it all. Satan, once you let him, can twist the fruits of your heart into something else. And it all starts with...Pride. And selfish ambitions. (Galatians 5:20). The same thing that cast the Devil out of Heaven. He thought he was equal to God. Isaiah 14:12-...

Christ Died For Me! Romans 5:8

"But God shows His love for us on that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" - Romans 5:8 Sin. God. Not friends. God tells us to love one another, but we only have one enemy. Satan. The person who wants to wipe out mankind forever. One of his main servants is Sin. Something that cannot get is close to God. But how does he bait us in? How? Worldly pleasures. Money, Fame, Huge businesses, Children and everything you could ever wish for. Satan shall give you these things but they shall not last long. Only things from Jesus last eternal, if we follow Him. SEE Joel 2:32 Jesus paid a big price to make us clean and pure. He died. It was only a heavenly body that could rescue us. Why not the Angels? You may ask. You see, they needed to be in the form of a human, which could not be possible before Jesus died. So God sent his Son. He gave up his pride and joy. His most beloved son. SEE John 3:16. We do not have to pay that huge debt. We would have to DIE if Jesus had not d...

Keep That Faith Strong! - Joshua 1:9

"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go" - Joshua 1:9 Thunder! Crash! Another storm. We all face storms everyday. Not the physical storms though! Spiritual storms! Financial storms, Evil storms, Disagreement storms! The storms in our life should mean one thing: We are followers of God. And like I said yesterday, we should sustain this trust in God. For it will help us in victory through life's storm! We have weapons we can use! SEE Ephesians 6. The Bible says that the Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword! This is the sword we use to fight the Devil on those waves. And it's even more a blessing that we are on the winning team! We never lose, only if we sustain our faith! Keep that faith strong!

Trust In The Lord!

...I have trusted in the Lord, therefore I will not slide - Psalm 26:1  Putting our trust and faith in God, is another vital thing in our walk with God. Trust is basically faith. Trusting God in bad times promotes us to a bigger level in lofe. All because we sustain that problem and trust God! "It is not by people' power that things happen, but by Me..the Lord" (Zechariah 4:6) Wow! Great things happen just when we trust God! When we know that God knows what he is doing! How about we look at some examples?  Abraham - trusted that God knew what he was doing when he was asked to kill Isaac  The Woman With an Issue of Blood - Knew she would see Jesus no matter what  Father of the Demon Possesed Boy - Knew that his son would be healed which is why he cried out for faith Joseph - Had a vision and knew his life would be based on that vision because it was of God  There are many more examples in the Bible! Just... Trust In The Lord!

Don't listen to the Devil's lies! Choose Jesus Christ! 1 Peter 2:7

"You who therefore believe  He is precious, but unto those who are disobedient, the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone" - 1 Peter 2:7  This is talking about Jesus. Jesus Christ wasn't always loved for some people! The Pharisees for example. Jesus Christ is the conerstone which everybody had been preparing for. The builders. We sometimes are a bit like the builders. We reject a valuable jewel.  Jesus' Love. He died so that we can be with Him! Surely, there is no greater offer than this! "And in Him all things consist" - Colossians 1:17. The Him is Jesus! In Jesus Christ we get anything we desire! As long as it goes with his Will!  Don't listen to the Devil's lies! Choose Jesus Christ! 

Feed your Soul!

"Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it" - Ezekiel 3:3  This verse mainly talks about the Word of God. The scroll represents it. It is the same scroll that is given to St John the Divine in Revelation. It is vital for our hearts to always have God's Word in them. Imagine a plant, like a venus flytrap, and you have to feed it something every minute. Pretend you really love this plant. Would you want it to die? It is the same with you soul/spirit. Jesus said "What good is it for a man to claim the whole world but lose their own soul?" - Mark 8:36  Your soul is also like a precious gem. Very valuable. Jesus said to   "Seek the Kingdom of God with all your hearts" - Matthew 6:33  Jesus Christ is always watching, use Him as your guide in everything you do! 

"Help me overcome my unbelief!" - Requesting Faith

Hebrews 3:18,19 - "And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who not obey? So we see that they could not enter because of unbelief"  Unbelief is a big problem to some Christians. Unblelieving God is a Sin. If you do not believe, you do not get what you wish. But, you can talk to Someone about it. You can ask  faith! SEE Mark 9:14-29. This scripture that I request you to read talks about Jesus and the Demon Possesed Boy. The father of the boy cried out to Jesus knowing his unbelief. Statement: You can obtain faith by recognising your position of unbelief. Jesus gave him faith back. Recocnizing your position is important because then is where you can see if you require anything. SEE Matthew 7:7. We are responsible for our faith. If our faith does not come with good actions, then we lie. SEE James 2:18. Good deeds are following God's law and growing your fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22). Request, and activate faith!


"Everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved" - Acts 2:21  Calling on God's Name does not only mean being saved from Sin, but also God helping you when you acknowledge he is in control. Once you know God is in control, there will be a way through! Giving up on God will just make things worse! God always has a way for you. Just be patient. SEE James 1:2-4. WAIT! THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY! 

Loved, Love, Acknowledge - John 3:16

"Fot God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not die but live with God forever" - John 3:16 John 3:16 is one of the most famous verses in the Bible. It talks about God's love for everyone! Accepting Jesus as the Lord and Leader of your life is the most amazing thing you will do! SEE Romans 10:9-10 On one of my earlier posts I wrote a salvation prayer which you can find now! Don't let it Wait! If you are a Christian then, ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR RIGHT AS A CHRISTIAN!

Rest! God's Sabbath! 7 Day!

"Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done." - Genesis 2:3. Rest. Rest. Zzzzzzzz. Sorry! God enjoys our hard work. But He also wants us to rest and thank Him for the beautiful you see. Also reading your Bible is a form of rest! And going to Church! Resting is basically listening to God and practising biblical things. Like: Doing biblical crosswords Word searches Trivia Questions etc. Excersising  and resting are important as well! Scriptures: Exodus 20:8-10 Psalms 55:6 See for more verses about rest.

Love WITHOUT Stopping

"Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." - 1 John 3:18 As Christians, our most important commandment is to love one another. "Behold I give you a new command: love one another as I loved you". This includes everyone in the world. Jesus died for everyone. If we accept his hand, He can help us climb out of our pit. The pit of: sickness, poverty, unbelief , foolishness, problems etc. As children of God, we should mirror Jesus' actions 24/7. Which means we should love 24/7! SEE Philippians 2:5. Even our enemies! But we shouldn't judge by how people look like. For example someone might look really nice, but inside there heart is a different matter. Same thing goes for an ugly person. Their heart might really know God. Loving Jesus is important with our Christian lifestyle. It promotes our other fruits inside us! Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control! Children of God follow...

The Mirror...Who are You?

"Help,  Lord , for no one is faithful anymore;      those who are loyal have vanished" - Psalms 12:1 This verse made me think about the messed up generation we are in. Who knows, their might even be a WW3! David, guided by God's Spirit, was talking about those who worship people as their god. Faithless in God. This is very dangerous because we are an easy target for the Devil. Then we blame God. For something that we did. We chose to Sin. Not God. Only true Christians who mirror Jesus can be called a loyal person. "If anyone hears the Word but does not act upon it, is like someone who has looked in a mirror but after looking in, forget what they look like" - James 1:23-24  Some of us are like that. We look in the mirror to see Jesus, us, in it and blessings all around us. But within minutes, we forget who we are and continue living against the ways of God. The verse continues: "But the person who looks into the mirror of liberty and God's law...

The Good Path...

"Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old path, where the good way is, and follow it. There is where you will find rest..." - Jeremaiah 6:16 The reason why the good path is called old is because at this point in time God's people had taken the broad path (SEE Matthew 7:13) and had turned there backs on God. But God didn't turn His back on them! In according to the scripture, "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us" - John 3:1. God loves everyone, including sinners, but hated Sin. The reason why Jesus cried out to God was because God had turned his back on Him. This was because Jesus was carrying Sin on Him. The Sin of all the world. God has no choice. But Jesus left all that Sin in that tomb! Jesus rose as a new man. A new creation! (SEE 2 Corinthians 5:17) Jeremaiah was talking about the future path. Jesus. The one and only path that leads to God. The Lamb that would take away the sins of the world. It has already happened. You can make...

Friend at all times....?

"A friend loves at all times and a brother was born for adversity" - Proverbs 17:17 God knows that sometimes we need other people to help us go through our hard times. But only our sisters and brothers in Christ. They will understand because we are part of the same family. (SEE 1 Corinthians 12:26). They will also be acting according to scripture. "Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God" - 1 John 4:7. Not everyone who you are friends with is actually a Christian. They may seem to know God but don't let that distract you. If they are not acting like Jesus, (SEE Phillipians 2:5) they are not your brother or sister in Christ. If they are, they would love to go through your hard times with you and not abandon you in them. "There is a time to cry and a time to laugh. There is a time to be sad and a time to dance" - Ecclesiastes 3:4. But, after these troubles, will you still go ...