"He that followeth after righteousness and kindness findeth life, righteousness and honour." - Proverbs 21:21. This verse talks about God's path to righteousness. God's path. The new way. Jesus Christ loves us. He died for us. He never abandons us. No wonder He said 365 times in the Bible "DO NOT FEAR!" The Holy Spirit instructed David to write about this. (SEE Psalm 91) Life is only available in Jesus. Who is the Path to Righteousness. "...For I have come so they might have life and have it fully" - John 10:10. We have the FULL Holy Spirit. Not that there was ever a part one. If we follow Jesus we will have everything we ever wished for. But we have to sustain that trust in Him. In the storm. The currents, tornados etcetera. Will you still trust Jesus? I have said this before and will say it again - Trust that God knows what He is doing. Having just a tiny bit of faith can move those mountains (problems in life) Luke 17:6 "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can move mountains" Trust In Christ, He is your Guide!
""The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9 NKJV http://bible.com/114/jer.17.9.nkjv Q: How can a good God allow evil? This is the question I get from many Christianity skeptics. Well, let’s think all the way back to the beginning. God gave Adam and Eve a choice. To remain in His goodness, and enjoy a peaceful, free life, or go their own way and define good and evil for yourself. We all know what happened. The point I’m trying to make is, man chose to do evil. If you decide to deliberately burn yourself by putting your hand in an oven, you can’t blame the cook for that. It’s the same thing! Man chose to do evil. Well, why can’t God get rid of evil? Do you want to remove your existence? Well, God doesn’t. You see, if God removed evil, He would have to remove man in the process, as man is evil. But He found a way to remove evil from us without wiping us out. He sent Jesus to die for u...