"Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean. Wash me and I will be whiter than snow" - Psalm 51:7
We all need to be cleansed. Now, if you are a Christian, I would advise you to still keep reading. God never wanted us to end up in Hell. That place of doom. He wanted us to enjoy the world! Worship and fellowship with Him! But, we wouldn't have had the power to defeat Satan. Jesus dying for us is the greatest gift ever! As Jesus said, there are only two ways to live. On Jesus' side, or on the Devil' side. We as Christian are made in the same image as God, spiritually! Which means in Heaven we all look the same! Like God (Jesus)! No wonder Paul said: "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." - Galatians 3:28. This because we are likewise with Jesus! The New Jerusalem. And there are so many blessings we have in Christ. And, like in wars today, there is an enemy. Satan (also known as the Devil or Lucifer). He is very jealous of us, and wishes he had never tempted Adam in the first place. So he distracts us. With things we make our idols. Not only gods and statues, but, things that we love more than God. This is what the Devil can use to distract. He is cunning, sneaky and clever (Genesis 3:1) but he is not powerful! He can only twist and change what God has created! Change richness into poverty, turn our lives into a facsimile of sham etcetera. This is why God should remain our God! Nothing should replace Him! Like a wise pastor said: "If Jesus is not driving the car, He is not in the car" The car is life. If Jesus is not first in your life, He is not in it. Keep God First!