“Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted there by the devil.”
Matthew 4:1 NLT
The main part I want to focus on in this verse is not the tempting bit (I've talked a lot about that) , but the part led by the Spirit. Many pastors, teachers and evangelists are not led by the Spirit when they start their ministry. This is why many churches only have small growth and sustain. They collapse dramatically soon afterward. Like I have said before, Satan only brings you high up to make sure that when you land you are powder. Being led by the Spirit means letting the Holy Spirit guide you. This is ESSENTIAL for every pastor. If you are not led by the Spirit, you might as well give up now, because without being led by the Spirit, no Word you say is true, no counsel you His is faithful to God's Word and all your actions of purity are worthless. BECAUSE THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE ROOT OF THE CHURCH. Without Him, everything goes wrong and the purpose of that church is hijacked by Satan, and the purpose of the church is misunderstood because of that one so-called 'church'. It's a bit like a building. If you want to build a building, do you just start building with no foundation? NO! Everything would collapse! It's the same with the church and all Christians, you need the foundation - the Holy Spirit - to guide you. Be led by the Spirit!