““You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea.”
Exodus 20:4 NLT
Many complain about not getting blessings from God, and they are 'Christians'. Depending on the person, there are many reasons for this. One popular one is God. You see, preachers and teachers today talk about having greater faith being the reason why, which may be the case for some, but for many the problem is having a greater God. God is mighty and powerful, bigger than anything, but in you, he can only make himself as big as YOU want Him to be in your life. Many make him small and tiny, which is why he cannot work wonders in their lives. He cannot perform their prayers because they make Him so small! How can a tiny power generator with tiny power, give power to a whole stadium? Unless you make it bigger, the power generator cannot complete such a task. I also wanted to pinpoint a topic which causes lots of controversy in the Christian faith.
Does God give you money?
The answer is no, He won't give you the money. This is because He will give you the power to make the wealth, wanting us to be creative. Unless you activate the power, unless you make your God a BIG God, you cannot activate the power .
Make your God BIG!