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Who is Your Priority?

Title: Who is Your Priority?
Scripture: "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." - Matthew 6:33 ESV 
Did you know that the kingdom of God is Jesus? Very surprising, but true! I found this out in my study/prayer time. 

'Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.' 
Matthew 3:2 
At this point, Jesus must have been close to the destination where John was. John was talking about two things: the Kingdom of God and His power, and Jesus. You see what I mean? Jesus is the Kingdom of God. 

We say that we are Christians. But a large group of us are not who we say we are. Because the word Christian means of Christ. And to be of Christ, you must make Him your priority. But many don't! They stay double minded and still go revelling at parties and going to nightclubs! Woe unto you, do not remain double-minded! Watch out for your fall is nigh! A Christian's priority should be Jesus, that is where the focus and centre of attention in your life should be, 24/7. No side way partying some nights, smoking some days, going out with bad friends some days. No! Satan will start giving you the ideas of 'It doesn't matter' or 'Just this once!' to try and eventually lure you from the Kingdom of God back into his hands. And, remember, Satan only brings you so high, so that when you fall, you will be like dust. Don't fall for the trap that has deceived millions! Focus on the priority of the Christian faith, not Mary, or Mother Theresa, but JESUS!


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