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All because of God,

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. - Romans 12:9

When we love God, we should think of it as:
- [ ] Hating what is evil
- [ ] Showing uttermost sincerity and seriousness to God.
- [ ]  Clinging to Him, because He is good.

God wants us to respect Him and cling on to what is good. Let me just throw in Proverbs 10:29:
"The way of the Lord is a refuge for the blameless,
    but it is the ruin of those who do evil.". When God means ruin, He means that it will not 'fit' them who are in charge of evil (aka Satan and his demons). The Way of God does not work for demons. They know it is true and right and will lead people to Heaven. And they don't want that. So they divert people off the main road-the road to God! Satan will come with lies, doubts, anything really! All to get you down to hell. Satan knows how much God has given you-His own life to live! God's own life! Psalm 82:6 says that we gods and we reign and rule with God at the right Hand dog God. Jesus has given us His own life-eternal life-to live to His pleasure which means we can prophesy, re shape, command and heal. All because of Him! All because of God you can heal and deliver people from the bondage of sin. All because of Jesus!
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