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Mustard Seed Tree

“First, you must understand this: In the last days people who follow their own desires will appear. These disrespectful people will ridicule ⌊God’s promise⌋”
‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭3:3‬ ‭GW‬‬

Peter is talking about what will happen in the last days, NOW! People are following their own desires and twisting and bending the Bible to prove themselves 'right'. But in reality, they are foolishly proving themselves wrong. Even MORE wrong. When we read the Bible, we are allowed to explain its meaning but not prove something you know God wouldn't like. If you know that what you want you want to prove will not agree with Jesus, don't do it! You will have to recall the reason why when you get judged by God! The Bible is the Word of God, and if we bend it It and try to use It to prove the wrong ways or desires we are sinning. The Word of God is like a mustard seed. Teeny! But then it grows to be a humongous tree! When we start with little faith and belief on the Word, we start growing. We get things wrong, God forgives us and He expects us not to do it again. Very soon, with dedication and hard work, we grow to be a huge tree! That mustard seed, to the huge tree. Our own desires are not God's desires. God's plans and desires are good for us and sometimes we let ours go wayward. REAL wayward, sometimes a bit too much. Imagine if we were God! The world would be a harsh place then! Thank goodness God is Who He is! See Jeremiah 29:11 for more on God's plans. God's plans show us the way and Jesus is the way.
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