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Prophesy, Re-Shape, Re-create!

"“I thank and praise you, God of my ancestors:
You have given me wisdom and power,
you have made known to me what we asked of you,
you have made known to us the dream of the king.” - Daniel 2:23 (niv)

Did you know that praising God and thanking Him for something you KNOW He will do is what God likes from us? Yeah! God wants us to RECREATE our world. We need to speak things into to life to reshape that situation or that crisis. Had a nightmare or bad dream? Re shape it to what YOU want it to be! Just say, "Lord, I command that that nightmare is cancelled and the devil's plan is destroyed in the name of Jesus!". All the power we need to re-make and re-shape our future is in our mouths. God has given us the power of creativity that helps us re shape our world. How do we re-create? We speak to that crisis , situation or sickness and say "Devil! I command you to go! Leave my life and all the pertains to it!". We need to prophesy to that crisis and shape it tow hat we want! What do you want that crisis to turn out? How do you want it to turnaround? God needs your Words so that He can put your re-shaping into action. Just open that mouth and speak the Word of God. Speak based on and with the Word of God. That situation can turn around! There's no can't in Christ. No matter how hard the situation may seem, no matter how unturnable it may seem it can turn around! Don't shut up over this crisis! Prophesy, re-shape, re-create!


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