“He was despised and rejected— a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care.”
Isaiah 53:3 NLT
Most of the time we grumble, complain and moan about life. Who's done it? We all have. But when we moan, we never think about the suffering of Jesus. Jesus didn't moan an grumble at God! Jesus took our sacrifice and pain and died for us. Us people who rebelled miilions and millions of times, and God gave us millions and millions of chances. God could have given up on us. But we just stand there and sit there monaing, grumbling and complaining. What about Jesus?
Isaiah 53:3 NLT
Most of the time we grumble, complain and moan about life. Who's done it? We all have. But when we moan, we never think about the suffering of Jesus. Jesus didn't moan an grumble at God! Jesus took our sacrifice and pain and died for us. Us people who rebelled miilions and millions of times, and God gave us millions and millions of chances. God could have given up on us. But we just stand there and sit there monaing, grumbling and complaining. What about Jesus?