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Anything for Jesus...

"And they straightaway left the boats and their father and followed Him" - Matthew 4:22

This verse talks about Peter and his brother John, who left everything to follow Jesus. Jesus said to be fishers of people, not our heart desires. Those fish were examples of the things in our life. Except the fish are our heart desires. We just don't wanna leave until we've got the money, the life, the children. Matthew 19:16-30 teaches a valuable lesson. That unless you are chosen bu God and cannot leave the worldly life, you cannot be a follower of Christ. Simple. But Peter and John knew that God was leading them to an important man. And they were willing to give up their family, household and even their job for Jesus! We need to male a sacrifice for Jesus. A wise pastor once said, "If it doesn't hurt you what you are giving to Jesus, you are not loving him." This basically means that if whatever were giving to Jesus, has no value to us, it's a waste of time! We have to give up something to invite Jesus into our lives. We have to give Him our time, effort and seriousness. Expressing, "I will do anything for Jesus". If you miss out on my scripture reference section, here it is below!

Scripture References: 
Matthew 4:22
Matthew 19:16-30
Psalm 146:3
1 John 2:15-17
Luke 12:33


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