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Pray without Ceasing!

"Rejoice always: pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this God Will for you in Christ Jesus." - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

God's Will for us, to rejoice, pray and obey Him, as Paul describes. This Will needs to be effective in our life and working daily. How do I do it? 
God's Spirit must be in you, first. Then, He will show you what God wants for you and what gift He has given you. 

"But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come." - John 16:13

How do I know that this 'Spirit of truth' is God's? 
"The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—
    the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
    the Spirit of counsel and of might,
    the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord—" - Isaiah 11:2 

God's Spirit counsels with truth. So, He is the Spirit of truth. 

How will Jesus come to earth? 
There are many people who claim to be Jesus, or the anti-christ. If you are ever in doubt, take a look in the Bible. Look up Revelations. Revelations 19 talks about the coming of Christ. View here-->>

When we rejoice always, we cannot do that without the Spirit of God. Our human abilities will fail us, no matter how much we understand IN THE HEAD. The Word of God should be kept in our hearts, always, whenever we hear it, so that we can act on it. Our heart is what speaks (Matthew 12:34), for example, someone may see they're a Christian because of the stuff they know in their heads, but inside demons lurk and live in him. Next topic: Prayer 

God's Spirit tells us what to pray and how to. The Lord's prayer is good, but God's kingdom has already come! This isn't for us as Christians, because Jesus was talking to sinners and hadn't yet redeemed us! Now He has, we must learn to pray. The Bible says: "...people ought always to pray,
and not to cease it;" (Luke 18:1). So when we pray, our prayers should be commanding mostly. We should be casting out demons from their gatherings, and sending them to hell! We should be restoring what was ours that Devil may have stolen, killed or destroyed! We should be commanding spirits of setback or limitation out of our lives, our family's lives, our church members' lives! We should at least be praying once a day, bedtimes especially. What you watch on TV, at the cinema etc. really matters! Watch movies that edify your spirit as a believer! Occasionally, you can go to the movies but don't make it an idol or a habit! Our god should be God! Our prayers we should pray whenever we can! You never know when Satan might want to attack! You should pray: 

  • In the car, when going anywhere 
  • At home, before you got to bed. 
  • For your food, in case something happened to it (poisoning etc.) 
  • For your family, ministry, the world (so that more people become Christians, maybe?)
  • For you to be who God wants you to be in life. 
  • And many more
Pray without ceasing!

PS: Tools to create images (except the first one) were given by, here are the credits:
 Bible graphic by <a href="">Freepik</a> from <a href="">Flaticon</a> is licensed under <a href="" title="Creative Commons BY 3.0">CC BY 3.0</a>. Made with <a href="" title="Logo Maker">Logo Maker</a> 

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