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Hold onto Faith

Verse: "We don't fight against the people on this earth, but against the powers, principalities and against the rulers of darkness in the spiritual realm" - Ephesians 6:12

Many people blame each other for tragedies that have happened to them or their relatives. But we have only one adversary: Satan and his agents. Why? Let scripture answer that:
"And the god of this world (Satan) has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." - 2 Corinthians 4:4

But we are not of the world, but are in it to save those who are lost:
" The world would love you if you belonged to it; but you don’t—for I chose you to come out of the world, and so it hates you." - John 15:19

Most people have different excuses for why we should be of the world instead of Jesus. Here are a few with biblical answers:
1. I get laughed at. And my friend left me.
Jesus NEVER said that people of the world would like you! Remember Satan owns the world (2  Corinthians 4:4) and Satan opposes God. So the people of the world (a.k.a the unbelievers) will to! But there will be Christians that you can to and discuss the faith with.

Excuse 2a: It's hard. There are too many obstacles

Jesus NEVER said that there wouldn't be temptations. He said they will come, but we will overcome!

Excuse 2b: But sometimes it doesn't look like there's a way out of my temptation.

When things do look like that, know all the more to keep hold onto your faith. Why? Because faith is one of the most powerful weapon against Satan, who send temptation. [To send your question, DM me (for Instagram, Twitter) or send an email (for Google+ or Facebook.) ]
Our faith can always get stronger. Jesus said so:
"Because of your little faith,”Jesus told them. “For if you had faith even as small as a tiny mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move!’ and it would go far away. Nothing would be impossible." - Matthew 17:20 TLB
 We should:

PRAY - Prayer can be both commanding and askful - ask with God's will in mind
READ THE BIBLE WITH GOD's GUIDANCE - the ordinary letters in the bible, cannot save you. The Holy Spirit quickens and gives you understanding of the word - just ask

Prayer/Confession: I am an overcomer. I can do all things through Him that dwells and lives in me! No temptation is too hard for God - who lives in me. My God lives and I am born of the incorruptible seed which is the  word of God


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