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Transformed! Part 2 - God is the Strength of the Christian Heart

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power." - Ephesians 6:10 

Short verse, but millions of biblical truth start or originate from here. Being strong in our faith, moves our circumstances. It changes our life and creates it into what we want it to be like, according to God's Will. Our human power can never help us, and relying on it just puts pressure and stress on ourselves. All we've got to do is - have faith and pray. Leave the rest to God! He's out there! "‘Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit [of whom the oil is a symbol],’ says the Lord of hosts." - Zechariah 4:6 AMP

Our power achieves nothing. God gave us an amour, and we should use it to fight off those lies that want to creep in and destroy our faith. Satan wants us to doubt God's Word.
That's why we need to guard our hearts with the gospel of peace."My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." - Psalm 73:26. God must be our strength to, for when God is for you, no power or presence sent by the devil can overcome you (Romans 8:31). Our bodies must be governed by God and we should keep up our biblical studies. I mean: 

  • Praying with Bible scripture (4 your family, business etc.)
  • Commanding prayers. (Commanding demons and devils out of your life, etc.)
  • Reading your Bible with spiritual understanding and/or guidance 
  • Scripture reading plans, attending church as regularly as you can. 
  • Sharing God's Word with others! 
Transformed! Part 2 - God is the Strength of the Christian Heart 

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PS: Video is Courtesy of YouTube - Uploaded by:  Fighter Verse Songs:  


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